Fun with oreos

Was playing around with the old camera while having oreos and this happened


Simple but I just liked it… Shortly this followed


OK OK… Hmmm so wat?… Until this happened…. And I thought… Oreos just got sexc… Not just for kids Lol.


Oreos never looked so good hahaha.
OK then… Cool story:-).

Fun in the sun

My pretend model and I had a photoshoot. Firstly the statue of Nelson Mandela on Naval hill Bloemfontein.


Followed by a young pretend to be a model for a minute shoot on a nearby bench thingymagic:-)


After that we hit the streets… OK more like gardens of a nearby area.. I know how to say it but spelling it on the other hand is a bit of a problem..


This next pic is one I found to be really cool… Just the way it fades into the light.


Last but not least… We had to do the running ninja pose thing… Looks much better with all the pics together but hey.. I like it anyway.


OK there u go… Tank for fun with my favourite pretend model.